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date: 06-16-2011comment poster: to ^
he`s just OK. Just cause he only does preacher curls at the gym doesn`t make him anything special.

date: 06-16-2011comment poster: His a Superhero
On many occasions, he`s pointed out how important his secret identity is to him. If his identity wer

date: 06-16-2011comment poster: eyewear
This is the guy who got seriously injured early in the season. It is a miracle he is back out there

date: 06-16-2011comment poster: HAWKS QB/COACH
What is the deal with the eye wear?

date: 06-16-2011comment poster: ^
surprisingly yes he can play ball

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: ^
he throws a mean elbow.

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: can
that dude play at all

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: Big boi
Rumbling stumbling bumbling big boi!
