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 subject: "Time to get Right"

Jan 22, 2008
2:08 PM
For all the Canes players that check our team message board please sound off. We need to find out who checks this for important updates and messages to everyone. Leave a message if you read this post.

In the next week or so, we will be putting together our entire playbook for the spring (offensive and defensive), anyone on the team that is interested in contributing please let us know. If you don`t contribute now don`t expect your ideas to be heard in the middle of the season. Now is the time to get everything we need in the playbook to be able to run through any bumps before the season starts.
Stone Cold

Jan 22, 2008
3:16 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

I check the board and if you need to draw up any special plays for field goads I can help you out - Snap, hold, kick and its good.

Jan 23, 2008
4:38 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

Stone Cold you are dumb as hell lol.

Jan 24, 2008
07:42 AM
subject: re: Time to get Right

I agree.

Jan 24, 2008
1:57 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

I agree with what Bradshaw said is what I mean

Jan 24, 2008
4:08 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

I should be able to make it to the tournament Leigh. We got practice this sunday? maybe we should get a scrimmage.

Jan 24, 2008
5:38 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

Steve we have a scrimage this weekend between 12:30 and 1:00

Jan 25, 2008
11:51 AM
subject: re: Time to get Right

This is the first time I have checked this, but I will check it more often now.

Jan 29, 2008
12:44 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

Good scrimmage on Sunday fellas. We look solid. Bradshaw, ur arm was looking good dude, keep it up. The team looks good. I will be out there when and as much as I can. Steve knows the crazy schedule this job entitles.

Jan 29, 2008
3:24 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

You ain`t working bitch

Jan 31, 2008
1:24 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

lol, anybody like wendys

Feb 01, 2008
10:12 AM
subject: re: Time to get Right

Ralphie does hahaha! Ask him if he is going to that cook out?

Feb 06, 2008
7:28 PM
subject: re: Time to get Right

Hey guys, what`s up? Just found the team message board. I tried to check out the jerseys without any luck. I could not figure out what to do with all those numbers.
